Category: React


Introduction to Redux Toolkit Query with TypeScript

The Redux team is working hard to create tools that are helpful in many real-life situations. For example, Redux Toolkit is a big step in simplifying how we write applications with Redux. Another helpful tool is the Redux Toolkit Query. Its primary sources of inspiration are the Apollo Client and React Query. The code we […]


Redux middleware and how to use it with WebSockets

Middleware is a great place to connect to WebSockets if you use Redux. This article explains what the Redux Middleware is and how to use it with WebSockets. In this blog, we also talk a lot about various backend technologies such as Express. One of the concepts popular there is middleware. In redux, it serves […]

JavaScript React

Comparing the HashRouter and the BrowserRouter in React applications

We can determine what page the user sees based on the visited URL in a web application with routes. There is more than one way of managing routes with modern single-page applications (SPA). In this article, we look into how hash routing works. We also explain the more modern approach to routing using the history […]

JavaScript React

GraphQL on the client side with Apollo, React, and TypeScript

Recently, we’ve developed a GraphQL API in our NestJS series. NestJS under the hood uses Apollo Server. Although it is compatible with any GraphQL client, the Apollo platform also includes the Apollo Client. If you want to know more about GraphQL and how to develop a backend with it, check out API with NestJS #27. […]

JavaScript React TypeScript

Building forms with React Hook Form and TypeScript

Handling forms manually is not difficult in React. Keeping all of the code consistent in your project might be quite a hassle, though. There are many ways in which we can tackle the state of our forms and validation. We can expect the approach of our teammates to differ slightly. To manage our forms better, […]

JavaScript React TypeScript

React Context API with hooks and TypeScript

With React, we have quite a few options when it comes to state management. One of the most obvious ones is using the local state. Unfortunately, it might lead to prop drilling. It happens when we pass data from one component through many layers. When some of the components along the way do not need the […]

JavaScript React

Functional React components with generic props in TypeScript

One of the qualities of our code that we should aim for is reusability. Also, following the Don’t Repeat Yourself principle makes our code more elegant. In this article, we explore writing functional React components with TypeScript using generic props. By doing so, we can create reusable and flexible components. If you would like to […]