Category: React

JavaScript React TypeScript

Introduction to Gatsby with TypeScript and GitHub Pages

When a browser opens a regular React application, it receives HTML with an empty div and a JavaScript file.

When the browser receives the above response, it runs the JavaScript file that modifies the DOM tree and creates a web page. This is a good solution for many applications but has a few drawbacks. […]


Rendering long lists using virtualization with React

When working on web applications, we often display lists of data. If the data is not particularly lengthy, we are probably okay with rendering all elements at once. However, as our data grows, we might notice performance issues. In this article, we create a simple React application that aims to render thousands of images using […]


Dynamic and recursive forms with Formik and TypeScript

Formik is a popular tool that helps us write React forms and keep their code consistent across even big projects. Besides having a fixed number of properties, we sometimes need to allow the user to shape the form to some extent and create recursive data structures. In this article, we learn how to do that […]

JavaScript React

Using AbortController to deal with race conditions in React

When developing applications, data fetching is one of the most fundamental tasks. Despite that, there are some things to watch out for: one of them is race conditions. This article explains what they are and provides a solution using the AbortController. Identifying a race condition A “race condition” is when our application depends on a […]

JavaScript React

Measuring performance with Web Vitals and React

In this blog, we’ve discussed measuring and improving our performance using the Lighthouse audits. Google continued by introducing new tools that emphasize performance. Some time ago, they introduced the Web Vitals standard. In this article, we go through it and provide examples of measuring the Web Vitals metrics with React. Introducing Web Vitals There are […]


Managing WebSockets with Redux Toolkit Query and TypeScript

We’ve learned how to use Redux Middleware to manage WebSockets in a recent article. We’ve also got to know the Redux Toolkit Query and how it can improve our code. Interestingly, we can also use RTK Query to deal with a WebSocket connection. This article teaches how to establish a WebSocket connection with RTK Query […]