Category: Git


Getting geeky with Git #2. Building blocks of a commit

This entry is part 2 of 11 in the Getting geeky with Git

As a developer, there is a high chance that you use Git every day. It means saving changes through commits. In this article, we look into what are their building blocks. This includes looking into the filesystem of Git and learning about different states of files. Git is a Distributed Version Control System To understand what […]

Git JavaScript

Getting geeky with Git #1. Remotes and upstream branches

This entry is part 1 of 11 in the Getting geeky with Git

Version control systems (VCS) are one of the essential tools of every programmer. The most popular one is Git, and therefore it is worth looking into it a bit more. In this article, we look into what is a remote and what the origin keyword means. We also check out what is an upstream branch and how we can benefit […]