- 1. API with NestJS #1. Controllers, routing and the module structure
- 2. API with NestJS #2. Setting up a PostgreSQL database with TypeORM
- 3. API with NestJS #3. Authenticating users with bcrypt, Passport, JWT, and cookies
- 4. API with NestJS #4. Error handling and data validation
- 5. API with NestJS #5. Serializing the response with interceptors
- 6. API with NestJS #6. Looking into dependency injection and modules
- 7. API with NestJS #7. Creating relationships with Postgres and TypeORM
- 8. API with NestJS #8. Writing unit tests
- 9. API with NestJS #9. Testing services and controllers with integration tests
- 10. API with NestJS #10. Uploading public files to Amazon S3
- 11. API with NestJS #11. Managing private files with Amazon S3
- 12. API with NestJS #12. Introduction to Elasticsearch
- 13. API with NestJS #13. Implementing refresh tokens using JWT
- 14. API with NestJS #14. Improving performance of our Postgres database with indexes
- 15. API with NestJS #15. Defining transactions with PostgreSQL and TypeORM
- 16. API with NestJS #16. Using the array data type with PostgreSQL and TypeORM
- 17. API with NestJS #17. Offset and keyset pagination with PostgreSQL and TypeORM
- 18. API with NestJS #18. Exploring the idea of microservices
- 19. API with NestJS #19. Using RabbitMQ to communicate with microservices
- 20. API with NestJS #20. Communicating with microservices using the gRPC framework
- 21. API with NestJS #21. An introduction to CQRS
- 22. API with NestJS #22. Storing JSON with PostgreSQL and TypeORM
- 23. API with NestJS #23. Implementing in-memory cache to increase the performance
- 24. API with NestJS #24. Cache with Redis. Running the app in a Node.js cluster
- 25. API with NestJS #25. Sending scheduled emails with cron and Nodemailer
- 26. API with NestJS #26. Real-time chat with WebSockets
- 27. API with NestJS #27. Introduction to GraphQL. Queries, mutations, and authentication
- 28. API with NestJS #28. Dealing in the N + 1 problem in GraphQL
- 29. API with NestJS #29. Real-time updates with GraphQL subscriptions
- 30. API with NestJS #30. Scalar types in GraphQL
- 31. API with NestJS #31. Two-factor authentication
- 32. API with NestJS #32. Introduction to Prisma with PostgreSQL
- 33. API with NestJS #33. Managing PostgreSQL relationships with Prisma
- 34. API with NestJS #34. Handling CPU-intensive tasks with queues
- 35. API with NestJS #35. Using server-side sessions instead of JSON Web Tokens
- 36. API with NestJS #36. Introduction to Stripe with React
- 37. API with NestJS #37. Using Stripe to save credit cards for future use
- 38. API with NestJS #38. Setting up recurring payments via subscriptions with Stripe
- 39. API with NestJS #39. Reacting to Stripe events with webhooks
- 40. API with NestJS #40. Confirming the email address
- 41. API with NestJS #41. Verifying phone numbers and sending SMS messages with Twilio
- 42. API with NestJS #42. Authenticating users with Google
- 43. API with NestJS #43. Introduction to MongoDB
- 44. API with NestJS #44. Implementing relationships with MongoDB
- 45. API with NestJS #45. Virtual properties with MongoDB and Mongoose
- 46. API with NestJS #46. Managing transactions with MongoDB and Mongoose
- 47. API with NestJS #47. Implementing pagination with MongoDB and Mongoose
- 48. API with NestJS #48. Definining indexes with MongoDB and Mongoose
- 49. API with NestJS #49. Updating with PUT and PATCH with MongoDB and Mongoose
- 50. API with NestJS #50. Introduction to logging with the built-in logger and TypeORM
- 51. API with NestJS #51. Health checks with Terminus and Datadog
- 52. API with NestJS #52. Generating documentation with Compodoc and JSDoc
- 53. API with NestJS #53. Implementing soft deletes with PostgreSQL and TypeORM
- 54. API with NestJS #54. Storing files inside a PostgreSQL database
- 55. API with NestJS #55. Uploading files to the server
- 56. API with NestJS #56. Authorization with roles and claims
- 57. API with NestJS #57. Composing classes with the mixin pattern
- 58. API with NestJS #58. Using ETag to implement cache and save bandwidth
- 59. API with NestJS #59. Introduction to a monorepo with Lerna and Yarn workspaces
- 60. API with NestJS #60. The OpenAPI specification and Swagger
- 61. API with NestJS #61. Dealing with circular dependencies
- 62. API with NestJS #62. Introduction to MikroORM with PostgreSQL
- 63. API with NestJS #63. Relationships with PostgreSQL and MikroORM
- 64. API with NestJS #64. Transactions with PostgreSQL and MikroORM
- 65. API with NestJS #65. Implementing soft deletes using MikroORM and filters
- 66. API with NestJS #66. Improving PostgreSQL performance with indexes using MikroORM
- 67. API with NestJS #67. Migrating to TypeORM 0.3
- 68. API with NestJS #68. Interacting with the application through REPL
- 69. API with NestJS #69. Database migrations with TypeORM
- 70. API with NestJS #70. Defining dynamic modules
- 71. API with NestJS #71. Introduction to feature flags
- 72. API with NestJS #72. Working with PostgreSQL using raw SQL queries
- 73. API with NestJS #73. One-to-one relationships with raw SQL queries
- 74. API with NestJS #74. Designing many-to-one relationships using raw SQL queries
- 75. API with NestJS #75. Many-to-many relationships using raw SQL queries
- 76. API with NestJS #76. Working with transactions using raw SQL queries
- 77. API with NestJS #77. Offset and keyset pagination with raw SQL queries
- 78. API with NestJS #78. Generating statistics using aggregate functions in raw SQL
- 79. API with NestJS #79. Implementing searching with pattern matching and raw SQL
- 80. API with NestJS #80. Updating entities with PUT and PATCH using raw SQL queries
- 81. API with NestJS #81. Soft deletes with raw SQL queries
- 82. API with NestJS #82. Introduction to indexes with raw SQL queries
- 83. API with NestJS #83. Text search with tsvector and raw SQL
- 84. API with NestJS #84. Implementing filtering using subqueries with raw SQL
- 85. API with NestJS #85. Defining constraints with raw SQL
- 86. API with NestJS #86. Logging with the built-in logger when using raw SQL
- 87. API with NestJS #87. Writing unit tests in a project with raw SQL
- 88. API with NestJS #88. Testing a project with raw SQL using integration tests
- 89. API with NestJS #89. Replacing Express with Fastify
- 90. API with NestJS #90. Using various types of SQL joins
- 91. API with NestJS #91. Dockerizing a NestJS API with Docker Compose
- 92. API with NestJS #92. Increasing the developer experience with Docker Compose
- 93. API with NestJS #93. Deploying a NestJS app with Amazon ECS and RDS
- 94. API with NestJS #94. Deploying multiple instances on AWS with a load balancer
- 95. API with NestJS #95. CI/CD with Amazon ECS and GitHub Actions
- 96. API with NestJS #96. Running unit tests with CI/CD and GitHub Actions
- 97. API with NestJS #97. Introduction to managing logs with Amazon CloudWatch
- 98. API with NestJS #98. Health checks with Terminus and Amazon ECS
- 99. API with NestJS #99. Scaling the number of application instances with Amazon ECS
- 100. API with NestJS #100. The HTTPS protocol with Route 53 and AWS Certificate Manager
- 101. API with NestJS #101. Managing sensitive data using the AWS Secrets Manager
- 102. API with NestJS #102. Writing unit tests with Prisma
- 103. API with NestJS #103. Integration tests with Prisma
- 104. API with NestJS #104. Writing transactions with Prisma
- 105. API with NestJS #105. Implementing soft deletes with Prisma and middleware
- 106. API with NestJS #106. Improving performance through indexes with Prisma
- 107. API with NestJS #107. Offset and keyset pagination with Prisma
- 108. API with NestJS #108. Date and time with Prisma and PostgreSQL
- 109. API with NestJS #109. Arrays with PostgreSQL and Prisma
- 110. API with NestJS #110. Managing JSON data with PostgreSQL and Prisma
- 111. API with NestJS #111. Constraints with PostgreSQL and Prisma
- 112. API with NestJS #112. Serializing the response with Prisma
- 113. API with NestJS #113. Logging with Prisma
- 114. API with NestJS #114. Modifying data using PUT and PATCH methods with Prisma
- 115. API with NestJS #115. Database migrations with Prisma
- 116. API with NestJS #116. REST API versioning
- 117. API with NestJS #117. CORS – Cross-Origin Resource Sharing
- 118. API with NestJS #118. Uploading and streaming videos
- 119. API with NestJS #119. Type-safe SQL queries with Kysely and PostgreSQL
- 120. API with NestJS #120. One-to-one relationships with the Kysely query builder
- 121. API with NestJS #121. Many-to-one relationships with PostgreSQL and Kysely
Covering our project with tests can help us ensure that our application works as expected and is reliable. While unit tests play a significant role, they are not enough. Therefore, this article explains the significance of integration tests and implements them in a NestJS project that uses raw SQL queries.
The significance of integration tests
The role of a unit test is to cover an individual piece of code and verify if it works as expected. For example, a particular unit test suite can test a single function or a class.
When all our unit tests pass, it means that each part of our system works well on its own. However, that does not yet mean that all parts of the application interact with each other correctly. To verify the above, we need integration tests. Their job is to ensure that two or more pieces of our system integrate correctly.
Testing NestJS services
Writing integration tests does not mean we don’t mock any part of the application. For example, in our integration tests, we won’t be using an actual database.
Tests that verify the application from start to finish are referred to as end-to-end (E2E) tests. They should mimic a real system as close as possible.
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import PostDto from './post.dto'; import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import DatabaseService from '../database/database.service'; import { PostsService } from './posts.service'; import PostWithCategoryIdsModel, { PostWithCategoryIdsModelData, } from './postWithCategoryIds.model'; import PostsRepository from './posts.repository'; import PostsStatisticsRepository from './postsStatistics.repository'; import PostsSearchRepository from './postsSearch.repository'; describe('The PostsService', () => { describe('when calling the create method with category ids', () => { it('should return an instance of the PostWithCategoryIdsModel', async () => { const postData: PostDto = { title: 'Hello world!', content: 'Lorem ipsum', categoryIds: [1, 2, 3], }; const sqlQueryResult: PostWithCategoryIdsModelData = { id: 1, author_id: 2, title: postData.title, post_content: postData.content, category_ids: postData.categoryIds, }; const runQueryMock = jest.fn(); runQueryMock.mockResolvedValue({ rows: [sqlQueryResult], }); const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ PostsService, PostsRepository, PostsStatisticsRepository, PostsSearchRepository, { provide: DatabaseService, useValue: { runQuery: runQueryMock, }, }, ], }).compile(); const postsService = await module.get(PostsService); const result = await postsService.createPost(postData, 1); expect(result instanceof PostWithCategoryIdsModel).toBe(true); }); }); }); |
The PostsService
when calling the create method with category ids
✓ should return an instance of the PostWithCategoryIdsModel
Above, we test if the PostsService class works well with the PostsRepository.
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import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common'; import PostsRepository from './posts.repository'; import PostDto from './post.dto'; @Injectable() export class PostsService { constructor( private readonly postsRepository: PostsRepository, ) {} createPost(postData: PostDto, authorId: number) { if (postData.categoryIds?.length) { return this.postsRepository.createWithCategories(postData, authorId); } return this.postsRepository.create(postData, authorId); } // ... } |
In our test, we only mock the DatabaseService. Thanks to that, we test if the PostService integrates correctly with the PostsRepository.
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import { BadRequestException, Injectable, } from '@nestjs/common'; import DatabaseService from '../database/database.service'; import PostModel from './post.model'; import PostDto from './post.dto'; import PostWithCategoryIdsModel from './postWithCategoryIds.model'; import PostgresErrorCode from '../database/postgresErrorCode.enum'; import { isDatabaseError } from '../types/databaseError'; @Injectable() class PostsRepository { constructor(private readonly databaseService: DatabaseService) {} async create(postData: PostDto, authorId: number) { try { const databaseResponse = await this.databaseService.runQuery( ` // ... `, [postData.title, postData.content, authorId], ); return new PostModel(databaseResponse.rows[0]); } catch (error) { if ( !isDatabaseError(error) || !['title', 'post_content'].includes(error.column) ) { throw error; } if (error.code === PostgresErrorCode.NotNullViolation) { throw new BadRequestException( `A null value can't be set for the ${error.column} column`, ); } throw error; } } async createWithCategories(postData: PostDto, authorId: number) { const databaseResponse = await this.databaseService.runQuery( ` // ... `, [postData.title, postData.content, authorId, postData.categoryIds], ); return new PostWithCategoryIdsModel(databaseResponse.rows[0]); } // ... } export default PostsRepository; |
Mocking differently in each test
So far, in our test, we put all of our logic in a single it function. An alternative for that is moving the setup code into the beforeEach functions.
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import PostDto from './post.dto'; import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import DatabaseService from '../database/database.service'; import { PostsService } from './posts.service'; import PostWithCategoryIdsModel, { PostWithCategoryIdsModelData } from "./postWithCategoryIds.model"; import PostsRepository from './posts.repository'; import PostsStatisticsRepository from './postsStatistics.repository'; import PostsSearchRepository from './postsSearch.repository'; describe('The PostsService', () => { let postData: PostDto; let runQueryMock: jest.Mock; let postsService: PostsService; beforeEach(async () => { runQueryMock = jest.fn(); const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ PostsService, PostsRepository, PostsStatisticsRepository, PostsSearchRepository, { provide: DatabaseService, useValue: { runQuery: runQueryMock, }, }, ], }).compile(); postsService = await module.get(PostsService); }); describe('when calling the create method with category ids', () => { let sqlQueryResult: PostWithCategoryIdsModelData; beforeEach(() => { postData = { title: 'Hello world!', content: 'Lorem ipsum', categoryIds: [1, 2, 3], }; sqlQueryResult = { id: 1, author_id: 2, title: postData.title, post_content: postData.content, category_ids: postData.categoryIds } runQueryMock.mockResolvedValue({ rows: [sqlQueryResult], }); }); it('should return an instance of the PostWithCategoryIdsModel', async () => { const result = await postsService.createPost(postData, 1); expect(result instanceof PostWithCategoryIdsModel).toBe(true); }); it('should return an object with the correct properties', async () => { const result = await postsService.createPost(postData, 1) as PostWithCategoryIdsModel; expect(result.id).toBe(sqlQueryResult.id); expect(result.authorId).toBe(sqlQueryResult.author_id); expect(result.title).toBe(sqlQueryResult.title); expect(result.content).toBe(sqlQueryResult.post_content); expect(result.categoryIds).toBe(sqlQueryResult.category_ids); }) }); }); |
The PostsService
when calling the create method with category ids
✓ should return an instance of the PostWithCategoryIdsModel
✓ should return an object with the correct properties
Thanks to using beforEach, we can set up multiple tests using the same piece of code and avoid repeating it. We can take it further and change how we mock the DatabaseService at each test.
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import PostDto from './post.dto'; import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import DatabaseService from '../database/database.service'; import { PostsService } from './posts.service'; import PostWithCategoryIdsModel, { PostWithCategoryIdsModelData, } from './postWithCategoryIds.model'; import PostsRepository from './posts.repository'; import PostsStatisticsRepository from './postsStatistics.repository'; import PostsSearchRepository from './postsSearch.repository'; import PostModel, { PostModelData } from './post.model'; describe('The PostsService', () => { let postData: PostDto; let runQueryMock: jest.Mock; let postsService: PostsService; beforeEach(async () => { runQueryMock = jest.fn(); const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ providers: [ PostsService, PostsRepository, PostsStatisticsRepository, PostsSearchRepository, { provide: DatabaseService, useValue: { runQuery: runQueryMock, }, }, ], }).compile(); postsService = await module.get(PostsService); }); describe('when calling the create method with category ids', () => { let sqlQueryResult: PostWithCategoryIdsModelData; beforeEach(() => { postData = { title: 'Hello world!', content: 'Lorem ipsum', categoryIds: [1, 2, 3], }; sqlQueryResult = { id: 1, author_id: 2, title: postData.title, post_content: postData.content, category_ids: postData.categoryIds, }; runQueryMock.mockResolvedValue({ rows: [sqlQueryResult], }); }); it('should return an instance of the PostWithCategoryIdsModel', async () => { const result = await postsService.createPost(postData, 1); expect(result instanceof PostWithCategoryIdsModel).toBe(true); }); it('should return an object with the correct properties', async () => { const result = (await postsService.createPost( postData, 1, )) as PostWithCategoryIdsModel; expect(result.id).toBe(sqlQueryResult.id); expect(result.authorId).toBe(sqlQueryResult.author_id); expect(result.title).toBe(sqlQueryResult.title); expect(result.content).toBe(sqlQueryResult.post_content); expect(result.categoryIds).toBe(sqlQueryResult.category_ids); }); }); describe('when calling the create method without category ids', () => { let sqlQueryResult: PostModelData; beforeEach(() => { postData = { title: 'Hello world!', content: 'Lorem ipsum', }; sqlQueryResult = { id: 1, author_id: 2, title: postData.title, post_content: postData.content, }; runQueryMock.mockResolvedValue({ rows: [sqlQueryResult], }); }); it('should return an instance of the PostModel', async () => { const result = await postsService.createPost(postData, 1); expect(result instanceof PostModel).toBe(true); }); it('should return an object with the correct properties', async () => { const result = await postsService.createPost(postData, 1); expect(result.id).toBe(sqlQueryResult.id); expect(result.authorId).toBe(sqlQueryResult.author_id); expect(result.title).toBe(sqlQueryResult.title); expect(result.content).toBe(sqlQueryResult.post_content); }); }); }); |
The PostsService
when calling the create method with category ids
✓ should return an instance of the PostWithCategoryIdsModel
✓ should return an object with the correct properties
when calling the create method without category ids
✓ should return an instance of the PostMode
✓ should return an object with the correct properties
Testing controllers
Another approach to integration tests is to include our controllers by performing HTTP requests. By doing that, we can more closely mimic how our application works in a real environment.
1 |
npm install supertest @types/supertest |
Since our application uses the ValidationPipe, we need to add it explicitly.
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import { Test } from '@nestjs/testing'; import { AuthenticationController } from './authentication.controller'; import { AuthenticationService } from './authentication.service'; import DatabaseService from '../database/database.service'; import { INestApplication, ValidationPipe } from '@nestjs/common'; import * as request from 'supertest'; import UsersService from '../users/users.service'; import { ConfigModule } from '@nestjs/config'; import { JwtModule } from '@nestjs/jwt'; import UsersRepository from '../users/users.repository'; import RegisterDto from './dto/register.dto'; import { UserModelData } from '../users/user.model'; describe('The AuthenticationController', () => { let runQueryMock: jest.Mock; let app: INestApplication; beforeEach(async () => { runQueryMock = jest.fn(); const module = await Test.createTestingModule({ imports: [ ConfigModule.forRoot(), JwtModule.register({ secretOrPrivateKey: 'Secret key', }), ], controllers: [AuthenticationController], providers: [ AuthenticationService, UsersRepository, UsersService, { provide: DatabaseService, useValue: { runQuery: runQueryMock, }, }, ], }).compile(); app = module.createNestApplication(); app.useGlobalPipes(new ValidationPipe()); await app.init(); }); describe('when making the /register POST request', () => { describe('and using an incorrect email', () => { it('should throw an error', () => { return request(app.getHttpServer()) .post('/authentication/register') .send({ email: 'not-an-email', name: 'John', password: 'strongPassword', }) .expect(400); }); }); describe('and using the correct data', () => { let registrationData: RegisterDto; let userModelData: UserModelData; beforeEach(() => { registrationData = { email: 'john@smith.com', name: 'John', password: 'strongPassword', }; userModelData = { id: 1, email: registrationData.email, name: registrationData.name, password: registrationData.password, address_id: null, address_country: null, address_city: null, address_street: null, }; runQueryMock.mockResolvedValue({ rows: [userModelData], }); }); it('should result with the 201 status', () => { return request(app.getHttpServer()) .post('/authentication/register') .send(registrationData) .expect(201); }); it('should respond with the data without the password', () => { return request(app.getHttpServer()) .post('/authentication/register') .send(registrationData) .expect({ id: userModelData.id, name: userModelData.name, email: userModelData.email, }); }); }); }); }); |
The AuthenticationController
when making the /register POST request
and using an incorrect email
✓ should throw an error
and using the correct data
✓ should result with the 201 status
✓ should respond with the data without the password
The SuperTest library is quite powerful and allows us to verify the response differently. For example, we can ensure the response headers are correct. For a complete list of the features, check out the documentation.
In this article, we’ve gone through the idea of integration tests. We’ve described why they’re important and how they can benefit our application. We’ve also implemented integration tests with two different approaches. One of them required us to install the supertest library to simulate actual HTTP requests. All of the above allowed us to test our API more thoroughly and increase the confidence that we’re creating a reliable product.