JavaScript testing #3. Testing props, the mount function and snapshot tests.

JavaScript Testing

This entry is part 3 of 14 in the JavaScript testing tutorial

Hello! In the previous part of the tutorial, we’ve covered the very basics of testing React components with Enzyme. Today we will dig a bit deeper and learn how to test props, how (and why) use the mount function and what are the snapshot tests. Let’s go!

Testing props

In the previous article, we’ve tested the outcome of passing some props. But actually, we can test the props directly. Let’s get back to our ToDoList component, but this time let’s use a Task component.


We’re about to test if the ToDoList component renders the Task components and passes them the task names.


Thanks to our test we can be sure that the Task components receive the right props from the ToDoList.

We can call the props function thanks to the fact that both toDoListInstance and taskInstance inherit from the ShallowWrapper. In the same manner, you can check the state, or even change it. For a full list of available functions, you can visit the documentation.

But what if we would like to test the actual contents of the   tags in the Task component?

After running the test you will encounter an error! It looks like that:

Rendering with the mount function

This fails because we are using a shallow rendering there. With that being the case, the child component will not render at all. That’s why the test above failed and you need to be aware of that limitation of the shallow rendering.

Mount uses a simulation of a DOM implementation and Jest by default uses jsdom. You can change it through the testEnvironment property.

In the previous versions of Enzyme the lifecycle methods weren’t called during the shallow rendering. It changed in the Enzyme 3.0

Running the code above will cause a whole ToDoList component to render with all its children. As a result, the test that previously was failing will pass now.

Since the mount function renders more and imitates actual DOM, therefore tests will take more time. Using the mount function might mean that you are not unit testing anymore and now you are doing integration tests. It is due to that fact, that with the mount function, you can test how the components work together and not just as separate units.

For a comparison of the terms unit testing and integration testing checkout of the first part of the tutorial.

It might prove to be also useful when testing interactions with DOM or when working with the Higher-Order Components.

To read more about Higher-Order components check out the official guide and a really descriptive post by David Kopal

Snapshot testing

Tests that include using snapshots are quite useful. During such tests, the component is rendered and a snapshot of it is created. It contains a whole structure of the rendered component that should be committed to the repository along with the test itself. When running the snapshot test again, a new snapshot will be compared to the old one. If they will differ, the test will fail. It will help you to make sure that your User Interface does not change unexpectedly.


Running the code above will create a file called ToDoList.test.js.snap


If you will make any changes to the ToDoList component the test will fail and will present you with an exact difference between snapshots which is very useful.

To update all of your failing snapshots, you can run Jest with the   flag (alias for  ). To do so, type  .

You can also run Jest in the watch mode which will allow you to update all of the conflicting snapshots, one by one. In order to do it, run   and then choose   to update failing snapshots interactively. The official Jest documentation has a quite good animation presenting this process.

Snapshot testing can be a very powerful tool to keep track of changes to your components. It will prevent you from changing a component in an unexpected way, forcing you to look through the changes that you’ve made in order to accept it or fix an issue. Therefore it can be useful as a utility to monitor your code.


In this article, we’ve covered testing the props of our components and learned the difference between the mount function and the shallow rendering. Aside from that, we’ve covered snapshot testing which can be a very useful tool to track the changes of the way that your components are rendered. In the upcoming articles, we will also cover simulating interactions with our components, so stay tuned!

Series Navigation<< JavaScript testing #2. Introducing Enzyme and testing React componentsJavaScript testing #4. Mocking API calls and simulating React components interactions >>
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Hongyu Zhang
Hongyu Zhang
4 years ago

I think there is a typo in the code in the mount section, should be:
const toDoListInstance = mount(
<ToDoList tasks={tasks}/>