Cookies: explaining document.cookie and the Set-Cookie header.


In the previous article, we’ve talked about WebStorage API that you can nowadays use to store data in the browser. LocalStorage and sessionStorage were introduced in the HTML5. Does that mean that before we could not save data on the client side? Not at all – we’ve had (and still have) cookies. How to use document.cookie, and why would you want to do that now, when you have other possibilities? Let’s find out!

What are the cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of data that you can store in a browser. Before the introduction of mechanisms such as WebStorage API, they were the only way to store data on the browser. Therefore, cookies used to be a legitimate solution for general client-side storage.

It is a single string (up to 4KB) that combines all the data. After being stored in the browser, it can be accessed via   (with some exceptions, that we will cover today) and will contain key-value pairs separated by semicolons.

Operations on cookies through document.cookie

Property  is not just a regular string though: it is an object with a getter and a setter.

As you can see, even if we assign a new value for document.cookie, it gets handled by the setter. The space around the assignment operator is not mandatory.

Since it is all stored in one string, you need to figure out a way to get just a single cookie. You can do it in many ways since it is just operating on a string:

This approach uses template literals and regular expressions. If you don’t feel comfortable using RegExp, check out my regular expressions course:

  1. Regex course – part one. Basic concepts.
  2. Regex course – part two. Writing more elegant and precise patterns.
  3. Regex course – part three. Grouping and using ES6 features.

Setting a cookie with the same key will cause it to be overwritten.

document.cookie under the hood

You might feel tempted to retrieve the descriptor of  to check if it really contains getters and setters:

It will return undefined because of the way that getOwnPropertyDescriptor works: it does not traverse the prototype chain.

A global variable document contains object actually inheriting from Document.prototype:

and does not own a property called “cookie”, the Document.prototype does:

A possible way to retrieve the descriptor of document.cookie is to get the descriptor of Document.prototype.cookie itself:

There are deprecated functions called  __lookupGetter__ and __lookupSetter__ that actually traverse the prototype chain and therefore, you can retrieve these methods by calling them on the document:

Set-Cookie HTTP response header

Using document.cookie is not an only way to set a cookie. An HTTP request might respond with a Set-Cookie header. As a result, a cookie will be sent by the browser of the client.

In Node.js you can do it with the setHeader function:

It is a convenient way to, for example, handle authentication tokens. This is due to the fact, that you can set additional directives, which can make it all more secure.

This communication goes both ways: the browser will send your cookies with the requests that you make. It means, that if you would like that data to stay in the browser, it might be better to use Web Storage API.

Additional directives

You can put more than just simple string values for cookies. They can have additional parameters.


By default, cookies expire when the client closes. You can change this behaviour with the expires parameter. It is a maximum lifetime of the cookie.

With the code above, the cookie will disappear after a minute.

An important thing to notice is that the additional parameters won’t show up in the document.cookie, but you can check it out in the Developer Tools in the Application tab. That means that you can’t check the expiry date through your code.

Setting an expiry date to now can be a convenient way to delete a cookie:


Similar to expires but is a number of seconds till the cookie disappears. It has priority over expires.


It specifies what hosts can receive the cookie. If unspecified, it will default to the host of the current location (can be found in document.location), but will not include subdomains. If the domain is specified, the subdomains are always included.

Try going to and run this code in the devtools:

It will not be accessible on

But if you go again to and run this instead:

it will be visible at

If the domain set on your cookie doesn’t match the URL that you send the request to, it won’t get appended to the request.


It indicates a URL path that must exist in the requested URL.

If you go to and type

it will be available at, but not at

If the path set on the cookie does not match the URL from the request that you are making, the cookie will not get attached to it.


A secure cookie will not be sent to the server until a request is made using SSL and the HTTPS protocol. Sites using HTTP can’t set cookies with the “secure” directive.


This is a crucial directive. A cookie marked with HttpOnly will not be accessible through JavaScript and the document.cookie property. It makes it more secure and resistant to attacks like Cross-site scripting, or one of your dependencies being malicious. It can be set through the Set-Cookie response header.

Since browser sends cookies (with right Domain and Path) with requests, you can make use of it, making your application more secure.


Nowadays, we have better ways to store data in the browser, like Web Storage API. That does not make Cookies obsolete and you still should know how, and when to use them. A good example of that is saving the token in the cookies with the HttpOnly directive, making it more secure. I hope that this article helped you see the difference between cookies and more modern approaches to storing data in the browser.

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5 years ago


How can I read a cookie from different domain? Example: I am working on domain and wants to read cookie from domain.


1 year ago
